Author, speaker, and salesman extraordinaire Elmer Wheeler defined the art of the sale. He established himself as a bonafide celebrity at the peak of the Great Depression, and his witty and salient sales principles (known as “Wheelerpoints”) are just as relevant now as they were back in the day.
The Elmer Wheeler Career Course In Tested Salesmanship is offered here EXACTLY as Elmer originally intended and delivered online.
Materials include the CONFIDENTIAL Directors Course Manual, the only copy known to exist is reproduced in exacting detail, identical to the original.

Importance — Wheeler used psychologist Alfred Adler as evidence that the need to feel superior is the number one motivator for people to purchase something.
Appreciation — The need to feel appreciated is the underlying reason many people leave their jobs—and their spouses.
Approval — Everyone wants to be liked by other people. Attaining the sense of approval from others will cause someone to go to extremes—even if it’s to the detriment of their own good.
Ease — People are fundamentally lazy. We want things easily, quickly, and to do things with the least amount of effort.
Success — The definition of “success” is personal to each and every one of us. For some it could mean money, security, or a bigger house. For others it is watching their children grow up to be productive members of society. Whatever it may be, it is your job to define that motivator in your prospect.
Keep these motivators in mind as you market and sell your product or service in your sales career. Chances are you’ll see your closing rate skyrocket!